How WISER's Real-Time Location and Asset Tracking System Revolutionizes Patient Care

WISER's location and asset tracking system enables healthcare professionals to deliver immediate updates and timely care by quantifying movement precisely and instantaneously. By eliminating costly searches for lost inventory, reducing manual data entry, and generating valuable insights, WISER is the ideal solution for any kind of patient care.


Modern healthcare demands an enormous number of reports, from healthcare professionals reporting on patient visits to inventory staff reporting inbound and outbound supplies. While some of these reports are for internal use, others are for families and loved ones of patients. Families of older adults and extended-stay patients can be concerned when they fail to receive an update on their family member being visited by a nurse or doctor.


Physicians often can't report these types of interactions until their shifts end hours later, leaving family members waiting uncomfortably and questioning whether their loved one is receiving the needed care. Healthcare facilities are also full of moving pieces, including patients, physicians, and objects like gurneys, wheelchairs, infusion pumps, and other medical supplies. Many hospitals face the issue of not being able to find a key item when it's most needed.


WISER's Locator addresses these problems by outfitting physicians with tracking tags. Once doctors and nurses carry these badges, WISER's system can locate and track their rounds and visits accurately within just a few inches. This provides data for autonomous reports of any visits at the moment they occur, which can be sent to hospital management, fellow physicians, or remote family members when authorized.

 Hospital and care facility administrators can also use WISER's system to maintain an always-current inventory of critical assets. By pairing WISER tags with hospital beds, defibrillators, surgical equipment, controlled substances, and other supplies as needed, administrators gain real-time visibility of the actual locations of all these materials. This reveals which equipment goes unused, where supplies might be hoarded, and who is transporting these materials, if used in conjunction with personnel location.


Using WISER's locator frees up a significant amount of time for medical staff and enhances the quality of patient care. Nurses and doctors can devote their time to patients and their families instead of hunting for wheelchairs or IV equipment. WISER's system updates autonomously, enabling immediate software searching for any needed asset at any given time. By tracking medications, physicians can monitor medication schedule adherence and create alerts when a patient is not visited or if a patient suffers a fall or is immobile for too long.

 Healthcare professionals can implement WISER's asset tracking system quickly and painlessly without rewiring or installing new infrastructure. This solution functions in multi-level hospitals and across healthcare campuses, spanning both indoor and outdoor settings.

 Ultimately, WISER's locator lets medical professionals focus on what they do best: delivering top-notch care to patients. With the system's real-time visibility of asset location and immediate updates, patients receive the care they need, and families can rest assured that their loved ones are receiving the attention they deserve.

See also: 5 Reasons Hospitals Use Real-Time Location Systems


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